PRINCE2® wiki


The latest release of the PRINCE2 framework was in 2009 and this release was already fully compatible with agile approaches to project management. However this was not very evident and many people still see PRINCE2 as a Waterfall approach to project management, which is incorrect. So there was a need to show how PRINCE2 could be Agile and this led to the development of the PRINCE2 Agile extension module for PRINCE2 Practitioners.

It is best to see PRINC2 Agile and as an agile version of the PRINCE2 manual showing how PRINCE2 can be used in an agile way and providing guidance on how to apply agile methods. Therefore PRINCE2 Agile is an extension module tailored for organizations and individuals already benefiting from PRINCE2. PRINCE2 Agile was designed in order to help PRINCE2 Practitioners tailor the management controls to Agile specifications and at the same time help Agile practioners understand how to use PRINCE2. As with PRINCE2, PRINCE2 Agile is designed to be applied by PRINCE2 Practitioners to all types of projects within any industry sectors.

There are the following certifications for PRINCE2 Agile:

You can find more information about PRINCE2 Agile in

discussion icon PRINCE2 wiki is available with a Creative Commons Attribution.

discussion icon Written by Frank Turley (his LinkedIn profile)