Daily Log
The Daily Log is used to record informal issues, notes, etc., that are not captured in other project documents at that time. The project manager can use an office application with a number of columns such as Date, Comment, Person Responsible, and Date of Follow Up if needed. During the Starting Up a Project process, the Daily Log can also be used as a place to store issues and risks as normally the issue and risk registers have not been set up. The Team Managers may also decide to have their own Daily Logs which is more focused on their Work Packages and this is separate from the Project Manager’s Daily Log.
Examples: A stakeholder sent an email saying they would like to sit in a quality review meeting for a specific product or a stakeholder has asked you to resend information.
Here is an example of the type of data you would store: When you first hear of an issue, you may not have too much information or it may not be very serious, so you decide to enter this into the daily log. If the issue becomes more serious and requires follow-up action, then it can be inserted in the issue register.
When to make entries?
- When the Project Manager or Team Manager feel they need to note something down that may be useful in the future.
- Entries are normally based on conversations at the coffee machine, on thoughts (ideas) and observations.
Daily Log Format
A Daily Log can take a number of formats including a Document or Spreadsheet; Desk diary or log book; Electronic diary/calendar/task lists or Entry in a project management tool.
Daily Log quality criteria
- Entries must make sense when read weeks or months later
- Include data such as: date, person responsible, importance target date (or stage)
- Control access to the Daily Log (this is meant to be a private log for the project manager)
Tips from Frank
- Use a notebook (carry with you) and a speadsheet (transfer important lessons from notebook)
- Some Project Managers may prefer to use an App on their phone which can be APPropriate :-)
- A spreadsheet is a good idea as you can sort lessons by importance and stage.