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PRINCE2 is a project management methodology, applicable to all types of projects. PRINCE2 provides the steps you need to take in your project, and normal responsibilities of the team members. It’s customisable, so you can tailor and use for small and large projects.
Interested in learning more about PRINCE2? Check out this article: What is PRINCE2?
You can join the active PRINCE2 Study Group on Facebook.
The following are the main building elements of PRINCE2:
The following are the roles defined in PRINCE2:
- Project Board, a group of the following roles:
- Executive, the business-oriented person who’s ultimately responsible for the project
- Senior User, one or more people who represent the final users' requirements in the board
- Senior Supplier, one or more people who represent the interests of the suppliers
- Project Assurance, assures the interests of the primary stakeholders
- Change Authority, decides on some of the request for changes in behalf of the Project Board
- Project Manager, responsible for the day to day management of the project in behalf of the Project Board
- Project Support, helps the Project Manager in project management activities
- Team Manager, one or more people responsible for ensuring the quality and other variables of production in the teams
Finally, the “management products” (aka documents/artifacts) of PRINCE2 and their templates are available here:
- Baselines
- Records
- Reports