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Controlling a Stage

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The purpose of the Controlling a Stage process (CS) is for the Project Manager to assign the work to be done, monitor this work, deal with issues, report Progress to the Project Board and take corrective action to ensure that the stage remains within tolerance.


The objective of the Controlling a Stage process is to ensure that:


The Controlling a Stage process describes the work of the Project Manager as they do their day-to-day management of a stage, and it is where the Project Manager does most of their work.

During a stage the Project Manager will repeat the following tasks:

As mentioned above, the Project Manager will keep repeating these tasks until all the planned products for the stage have been completed and then start to prepare for the Managing a Stage Boundary process. This whole sequence of activities is again repeated for each stage in the project.

At the end of the last stage, the Closing a Project process will be invoked and therefore, the Project Manager will start to prepare the project for closure.


Controlling a Stage Activities


The trigger to start each CS process is the Authorization from the Project Board. The main inputs are the Stage Plan and information in the Project Initiation Documentation.

Controlling a Stage Inputs


Roles and Responsibilities

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discussion icon Written by Frank Turley (his LinkedIn profile)